By Tina Amanda

The Deputy Governor of Rivers State, Dr. Ngozi Odu, has underscored the importance of building a better state and nation where every woman can reach her full potential.

Dr. Odu highlighted the crucial role of women in societal development and called for concerted efforts to empower and uplift women across all sectors.

She stated this at a program organized by the International Federation of Women Lawyers FIDA Rivers State, to commemorate the International Widows Day celebration in 2024, in Port Harcourt, With the theme: “Accelerating the Achievement of Gender Equality”.

According to her, gender equality is not just a women’s affair, but a fundamental right that must be collectively achieved.

She said it is expedient to create an environment where every woman and girl can thrive, regardless of her marital status or life circumstances.

“I commend FIDA for their tireless efforts in promoting, and protecting and and preserving the rights of vulnerable women and children.

“Gender equality is not just a women’s issue, it is a fundamental human right and a cornerstone of a just and prosperous society. When we empower women, we empower entire communities, when we invest in women’s health, education, and economic opportunities, we invest in our collective future.

“The activities planned for today – from health checkups to skills acquisition training – are practical steps towards this goal. These initiatives recognize that true empowerment comes through holistic support addressing physical health, providing knowledge, and creating economic opportunities.

“As we leave here today, let us carry with us a renewed commitment to gender equality Let us work together -government, civil society organizations, and individuals to create a Rivers State and a Nigeria where every woman has the opportunity to reach her full potential”.

The Deputy Governor urged Rivers people to challenge discriminatory practices and harmful traditions amongst women, stressing that the rights of women should be enforced under the laws.

“We must continue to challenge discriminatory practices, outdated customs, and harmful stereotypes that hold women back. We must ensure that our laws protect women’s rights and that these laws are effectively enforced”.

She however encouraged all the widows to be resilient, not minding the challenges that confront them in the present economic situation.

“Today, we shine a spotlight on widows- women who have faced unimaginable loss yet continue to demonstrate remarkable strength and resilience. Your courage inspires us all, and your stories remind us why the fight for gender equality is so crucial.

“To the widows here today: Your resilience in the face of adversity is a testament to the indomitable spirit of women. You are not just survivors, you are leaders, innovators, and pillars of your communities. The skills and knowledge you gain today are not just for your benefit but for the betterment of our entire society”.

Dr Odu further said the Rivers State Government under the watch of Sir Fubara is poised to work assiduously towards building a state that is safe, prosperous, and equitable for all, especially women and empowering widows.

The Chairperson of FIDA Rivers, Adata Bio-Briggs, in her speech, said FIDA Rivers will not relent in ensuring that the rights of women are protected while urging individuals, stakeholders, organizations, and government to support widows in the state.

“it is my great honor and pleasure to welcome you all to our h of International Widows Day. Today, we gather not only to recognize and honor the incredible strength and resilience of widows in our community but also to support them in tangible and meaningful ways.

“Our theme for this year, “Accelerating the Achievement of Gender Equality,” underscores the vital importance of ensuring that all women, including widows, have equal opportunities and rights. It is a theme that resonates deeply with our mission and our commitment to advocacy, empowerment, and support”.

Our Correspondent reports that some widow participants and beneficiaries of the gift items, and free medical check-ups thanked FIDA for the show of love for them.

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