Dalung affirms Sokubo as NYCN president

The leadership crisis that has been rocking the National Youth Council of Nigeria (NYCN) may have been laid to rest as the Minister of Sports Solomon Dalung on Monday affirmed the Sukubo Sara-Igbe Sukubo executives as rightful.

News Agency of Nigeria reports that the affirmation followed the court ruling which declared the purported election of Shagari Bello as null and void and the subsequent disbandment of the executives by the BoT last week.

A Federal high court sitting in Nasarawa state had on 16th July 2018 issued a restraining order stopping NYCN from doing anything further towards the conduct of the planned illegal congress by July 2018 (Gombe congress).

However, in total disregard to the courts restraining order the “illegal” election was conducted – an action which the BoT then claimed was in ignorance of the court ruling.

Consequently, Hon. Justice Haruna A. Offo of the federal high court in Nasarawa state issued another order setting aside the said purported elective congress and its outcome held in Gombe state on the 19th to 23rd July 2018. It declared that, Bello Bala Shagari Muhammed and his elective members who resulted from the said purported elective congress contrary to the orders of the court.

Minister of youth and sport, who made the declaration when he received the Sukubo led executives in his office, at federal Secretariat, Abuja Monday urged that youths and members of the public should support the executives as they remained the authentic as recognized.

Dalung lamented that “NYCN had been bedevilled by crisis for so many years. The crisis is as a result of people who have no stake in the council wanting to call the shot. This has slow down the apex youth body from achieving its set objectives.

He explained that, ” NYCN is a training ground for young people, but NYCN crisis in over 8 years have been an embarrassing situation and as major stakeholders, we cannot fold our hands and watch. NYCN is what we work for and the concept is selfless service.

“There are opinions around, that I should not receive this executive. An election was held in Gombe and I was there. Thereafter a competent court nullified that election, I was served and I drag my fit to see whether that order will be vacated. But that order still stands, he narrated.

Dalung also noted that “It is on that note I decided to give validity to this executive. As a law-abiding citizen, as directed by law the Sukubo led executive remains the authentic leadership of NYCN. If anybody has issues with my decision, is left for that person to go to court and challenge it. It can be appeal and challenge as far as the Supreme Court.

The Minister who congratulated and commended the Sukubo led executive for toeing the path of law, also urged them to work hard to ensure that the council is given direction in other to achieve its set objectives.


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