In a stirring address aimed at galvanizing the youth of Rivers State, Chairman of the Governing Council at Captain Elechi Amadi Polytechnic, Robinson Ewor, not only encouraged seizing opportunities but also highlighted the pressing need for action amidst governmental commitments. Speaking passionately from his office at the polytechnic, Ewor extended a message of hope, urging the state’s vibrant youth population to take charge of their destinies.

“Today, I stand before you not merely as a leader, but as a concerned citizen who recognizes the challenges faced by our youth,” Ewor commenced, his words resonating with sincerity. “In the tapestry of life, opportunities emerge in diverse forms, and it behooves us to discern them and capitalize on them for our advancement.”

Ewor emphasized the pivotal role of education and skill acquisition in shaping individual and communal futures. “Education stands as the cornerstone of progress. It furnishes us with the requisite knowledge and skills to navigate the intricacies of the contemporary world,” he emphasized. “At Captain Elechi Amadi Polytechnic, we are steadfast in our commitment to furnishing quality education that empowers our students to excel in their chosen vocations.”

Drawing from his own life experiences, Ewor recounted tales of surmounting obstacles through resilience and determination. “I encountered myriad challenges in my upbringing, yet I resolved not to allow them to define me. Instead, I seized every opportunity that crossed my path, regardless of its daunting nature,” he disclosed. “It is this mindset of tenacity and adaptability that has propelled me to my current station.”

Touching upon the scourge of unemployment amongst the youth, Ewor underscored the significance of innovation and entrepreneurship. “Unemployment remains a pressing scourge, but within it lies an opportunity for ingenuity and creativity,” he asserted. “Rather than idling away, waiting for employment prospects to materialize, I implore our youth to explore entrepreneurial avenues and chart their own courses to success.”

In addition to these personal reflections, Ewor took a moment to address recent governmental statements and commitments. “We have heard promises from the Rivers State government about a departure from politics and a renewed focus on development. However, actions speak louder than words,” he remarked pointedly. “Eight years of purported governance should have translated into tangible improvements, yet we still witness dilapidated school buildings and a State Secretariat in disarray.”

Ewor stressed the urgency for unity and collaboration among the youth populace. “Together, we wield formidable strength. Let us bolster and uplift one another as we strive for a brighter tomorrow,” he proclaimed. “Be it through community outreach, volunteerism, or grassroots initiatives, each of us possesses the potential to effect positive change.”

Ewor reiterated his unshakable faith in the capability of Rivers State youth to surmount obstacles and achieve greatness. “You are the future torchbearers, innovators, and architects of societal transformation,” he declared. “Embrace every opportunity that crosses your path, and never underestimate the potency of your dreams.”

As Ewor’s speech concluded, a wave of applause rippled through the audience, signaling a collective commitment to harnessing the potential of Rivers State’s youth for the betterment

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