Bille king yet to receive staff of office one month after coronation

Bille king yet to receive staff

Tina Amanda

A month after crowning Amayanabo Igbikingeri Cornelius Herbert as king of Bille Kingdom, Bille people say effort are being made for their king to be giving Staff of office, in order to drive home Bille vision 2040.

Chairman Bille Kingdom Chiefs Council, Alabo Bennett Okpokiye-Dokubo, who stated this while issuing a certificate of commendation to the committees set up for the success of the kingship coronation held on 4th April in Bille Kingdom, said the Staff of office will enable the king to work towards Bille vision 2040.

He however commended all Bille people for working in unity to the peaceful installation of their king, while urging them to maintain the existing oneness amongst them.

“As Chairman of Bille Chiefs Council, I am a peace lover and also all the Leaders in the Bille Kingdom are peaceful, when leaders are peaceful, calm and true to themselves their subordinate will listen to them, this was the secret to the success of the coronation.

“The Bille people love themselves, we believe we are one people who share the same bond, that is the reason we deemed it fit to appreciate all sons and daughters of Bille that worked tirelessly to make the event of April 4th, 2021, a huge success without chaos or crisis which would have been inevitable in so many Rivers Community.

“For now we are making effort to ensure our king is given the Staff of office to enable him to start working with other kings for the peace and interest of Rivers State. Bille people being what we are, we identify with good things because we already have a developmental plan which the king will work towards achieving.

“The developmental plan is called vision 20-40, it’s a twenty years target to transform Bille into a world-class standard”

On his part, Chairman Central Planning Committee, Professor Kontein Trinya, expressed hope that Governor Nyesom Wike will help expand Bille Kingdom, by dredging the land as promised.

“If Bille Kingdom didn’t have the barrier of water probably the Governor would have constructed an overhead bridge for the people of Bille linking it to one of those flyovers he is building. We are appealing and hoping he expand the land by dredging because Bille is a landmass Community”