Be transparent, world peace advocates urge Fubara

By Kelechi Esogwa-Amadi

The International Association of World Peace Advocates has called on the Governor of Rivers State, Sir Siminalaye Fubara, to run an open-door policy in his government.

The group also implored the governor to ensure that all his commissioners key into the policy of open governance and relate more with the people.

Governor Fubara had, within the week, sworn in some newly appointed commissioners and had held his first executive meeting on Wednesday.

However, speaking with newsmen at the Port Harcourt International Airport, Omagwa, Ikwerre Local Government Area at the weekend, spokesman of the International Association of World Peace Advocates, Dr Emmanuel Nkweke, explained that such open-door policy would make Sir Fubara’s government popular and also encourage patriotic citizens of Rivers State to lend their ideas and wealth of knowledge to the government for the good of the state.

He maintained that for governance to be productive and meet the aspirations of the masses, it should enjoy full patronage, support and participation of the people with all hands being on deck, to move the state forward.

He further explained that an open-door administration would give citizens a sense of belonging in matters concerning their well being.

According to him, when an administration keeps its doors of governance open, citizens come in to contribute their quota in the development of the state.

He advised commissioners who have accepted to serve in the present government to be open-minded, regretting that many government officials don’t like answering calls, an attitude he said negates the spirit of democracy that advocates for transparency, openness and accountability.

He said: “I want this present government in the state to be open, people-oriented and willing to work with members of the public to achieve set goals.”

He thus called for synergy between the government and enlightened members of the state.