Court remands teacher in prison for rape of eight-year-old

A Magistrate’s Court in Port Harcourt on Friday ordered that a 32-year-old teacher, Major A. Darima be remanded in prison for allegedly defiling an eight-year-old pupil.

Darima allegedly invited his victim into his apartment at Teachers Quarters in Ojims College in Rumuji, Emohua Local Government Area of the state.

He was alleged to have used his fingers to defile the minor, causing her injuries.

He was alleged to have carried out the act at 3pm on October 11, after school hours.

Prosecutor Godwin Nwinam said the offence contravened Section 218 of the Criminal Code Cap 37 Vol. II Laws of Rivers State of Nigeria 1999.

The suspect pleaded not guilty to the one-count charge.

His lawyer, simply identified himself as Mr. Oroke applied for his bail, but the court presided over by Magistrate Gomba Osaro turned down the request.

The magistrate ordered that the suspect be remanded in prison custody and his case file forwarded to the Directorate of Public Prosecution (DPP) for legal advice.

The case was adjourned to November 29, for DPP’s advice.

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