Uniport, UOE grounded over ASUU strike

The ongoing indefinite strike by the Academic Staff Union of Universities yesterday grounded activities in most institutions across the country.

The ASUU had on Monday resumed indefinite strike to press home its demands which include renegotiation of the 2009 FG/ASUU agreement, non-payment of N1.3 trillion NEEDS assessment funds, earned academic allowances, issue of pension administration and other contending outstanding issues.

The University of Port Harcourt chapter of ASUU joined the national body on the strike.

The union notified the Vice Chancellor of the institution, Professor Ndowa Lale of the industrial action.

A letter written by the chairman of the union, Dr Austin Sado indicated that during the strike, lecturers would not participate in teaching, supervision, statutory and adhoc meetings.

The Chairman, in an interview with theportcitynews, said all academic activities in the university has been suspended.

Lecturers at the Ignatius Ajuru University of Education also joined the strike.

Our correspondent reports that at the moment, it is uncertain whether the Rivers State University’s chapter of the Union will observe the strike as the school is set to resume on November 19.

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