Manchester United Manager Jose Mourinho Makes Startling World Cup Prediction, Selects Nigeria As The Only African Nation To Progress Above Group stage

In collaboration with YouTube channel RT, Manchester United manager Jose Mourinho selects his choices for which countries will progress out of the Group Stage of this summer’s World Cup in Russia.

Objectivity is at the forefront of the Portuguese man’s mind as he attempts to refrain from being ‘emotional’ and worrying about the condition of his club players.

This is no more demonstrated in his surprising choosing of Spain to top Group B, with his beloved Portugal having to face a tough battle with Group A winners Uruguay.

This may prove to be the most exciting game of the second stage.

Never one to shy away from controversy, the outspoken manager favours the 2010 World Champions over his own home country.

‘Maybe the best team’ Spain go up against hosts Russia.

The ‘big fight to finish second’ in Group C sees Australia as runners-up ahead of Peru and Denmark, behind France.

England’s conquerors in the last Euro tournament Iceland will have an early plane home, failing to progress which Nigeria- the only African team Mourinho selects- take advantage of to go onto play Les Bleus.

Jokingly, Mourinho comments that he needs his midfield general Nemanja Matic to have a holiday, so elects Switzerland to progress ahead of Serbia, the country Matic represents, in Group E.

In a decision that may not sit well with his powerful Belgian striker Romelu Lukaku at Utd, Mourinho chooses the other Red Devils to finish second behind England in group G. According to Jose, England will play Robert Lewandowski and Poland in the Last 16.

For England fans, let’s hope he has as much success as a psychic as he does as a manager.

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