Vote only candidates who will protect our interest – Islamic leader tells Muslims

Brave Dickson

As Nigerians get prepared to elect a new president, senators, and House of Representatives members on Saturday, February 25, the leader of the Islamic faith in Rivers State, Alhaji Nasir Uhor has urged Muslims to only vote for those who will protect their interests.

Uhor, who is also the leader of the Muslim community across the South-South geopolitical zone of the country made this known to our correspondent shortly after a pre-election meeting of the Muslim faithful in Port Harcourt on Thursday.

He said, “I call on all Muslims in the state to troop out en masse to vote in Saturday’s general elections.

“The election has provided an excellent opportunity for Muslims to prove their massive presence in the state through their PVCs.

“Go there and vote massively for candidates who do not only recognize and acknowledge our presence in the state but who will also protect the interest of Muslims.

“Ignore the threats and acts of intimidation intended to scare you away from the polling units. The security agencies will be there to ensure your safety.

“I have confidence in the ability of the security agencies to ensure peace and safety during and after the election, as long as they remain apolitical and professional.

“Let me use this medium to warn Muslims not to engage in acts that breach the law, nor allow yourselves to be used by unscrupulous politicians who are masquerading as democrats and patriots.”

He, therefore, commended the media in the state for their untiring efforts at correctly informing and sensitizing the people on the general elections as he urged them not to spare the abusers and plunderers of public trust and treasury.