Ogoni deserves to be governor of Rivers state – Gininwa

President of the Supreme Council of Ogoni Traditional Rulers, His Majesty, King G.N.A. Gininwa, has said that the Ogoni ethnic nationality should be allowed to produce the next governor in 2023.

He explained that Ogoni is a bonifide part of Rivers State, urging the people to give the ethic nationality a chance in the Government House.

The monarch made the call on Sunday, when a chieftien of the All Progressives Congress (APC), Senator Magnus Abe, paid him a courtesy at his Palace in Tai Kingdom.

King Gininwa, while stating that Ogoni had qualified people who could lead the state, advised Ogoni indegeines not to destroy themselves because of politics.

He also appealed to the government to establish opportunities that would help engage youths, in order to curb criminality in the society.

“Love yourselves. Stop the shootings and killings in Ogoni. Enough is enough. These young boys, we need them. Government should create industries for them to get them employed,” he added.

In his remarks, Senator Abe, who went to thank the Supreme Council for the recent chieftaincy title (Mene Suanu I of Ogoniland) conferred on him, said his visit had nothing to do with the 2023 governorship election.

According to Abe, “I have not come to say I am running for governor. I have come here to thank the Supreme Council of Ogoni Transitional Rulers for the honour given to me as Mene Suanu 1 of Ogoniland.

“I have also come here to remind the Supreme Council to remind their people at home, everybody should go and register. Let all of us vote. Everybody should go and register.

“I have also come here to say to you people that the power to decide your future, power of your people to decide their future is in their own hands. Nobody should be intimidated by anybody.

“Nobody should be afraid of anybody. Nobody should be afraid of anybody’s money or anybody’s power. The ballot box is open to all of us. And by the grace of God, it is what you want that will happen.”