Group tells Atiku to see Buhari’s re-election as Allah’s will

Brave Dickson

A political group known as Buhari Continuity Movement has advised the PDP Presidential Candidate in the just concluded presidential election, Alhaji Atiku Abubakar to see President Muhammadu Buhari’s re-election as the will of Allah.

The group, through its Rivers State Coordinator, Alhajia, Memunat Bello described the legal tussle over Buhari’s re-election victory as not necessary, and appealed to Atiku to concede defeat.

“We muslims have seen Buhari’s re-election victory as an act of Allah and we want Atiku to see it that way too and accept defeat.

“The PDP Presidential Candidate in this year’s election should be patient and allow Buhari to finish his second term,” adding that “2023 will still be available for him to contest again, “Alhajia Bello said.

She also unveiled plans by the group to keep praying for the president to succeed in office.

The state coordinator was quoted as saying that, “we organized series of prayers with some Islamic scholars prior to the 2019 presidential election. Now that he (Buhari) has been re-elected through the help of Allah, we will not relent in prayers for him.

“We understand that there are a lot of people who do not want him to succeed in his second term, but Allah will hear our prayers and help him.”

Though, despite appeals from different quarters to Alhaji Abubakar to accept defeat and embrace the incumbent president so as to move the country forward, the 2019 PDP presidential candidate still headed to the tribunal.

Recently, an exparte application brought by the petitioner (Atiku) was granted by a court of appeal in Abuja to serve the second respondent (Buhari) through a substituted means.

Granting the ex parte application, the lead Justice of the panel, Justice Abdu Aboki, while delivering the ruling, said it is in the interest of justice to grant the prayers in the petitioners’ application.

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