Why We Wail


If we must be sincere to ourselves, we must admit that the first four generations of Southern leaders made a mess of the Federation. A generation is 25 years and the so-called federation has been on albeit wrongly for 114 years.

For most of over a century, the power of the Caliphate has enlarged while the South has increasingly become an appendage of the Northern Establishment rather than an equal partner. We might blame the Caliphate for so many ills – and rightly so- but the South shares in the blame for never providing a serious alternative but involved in helping themselves to the till alongside their northern cohorts!

If not for the complicity of the Southern elite, how on earth could the Caliphate keep expanding its powers even in 2018? What exactly were the Southern elected representatives doing when the Fulani Terrorists and their cattle became the centre piece of national policy and not the provision of electric power to all nooks and crannies of the country?

How on earth could the provision of cattle rearing techniques and skills become a central federal policy as against the provision of refineries to increase our production base? How on earth could the protection of cattle become the affairs of the military or the federal government as against the security of lives and properties?

Of course, the Southern senators, reps, and governors were alive when 193 billion Naira sourced from the oil-producing areas was voted and signed into the budget by this confused federal administration! The Southern elected reps were very much around and acceded to federal spending on cattle rearing as a reward for the tens of thousands of people murdered by the protégées of Miyetti Allah!

Maybe we fail to realise how humongous 193 billion Naira is. That amount could construct 3-stage hydropower plants on Imo River to produce 1000mW of electricity alongside substations that would power Enugu, Imo and Abia states. That amount could build 2 modular refineries and increase fuel availability by 8% at least. That amount could turn around UCH, JUTH, and UNTH and increase healthcare delivery in the North, West and South East…

But it has been frivolously allocated to the provision of cattle rearing facilities to Fulani Terrorists who are the greatest enemies of the Nigerian people (especially South and Middle Belt) today and the Southern elected reps looked on, while this heist took place.

That is why we wail!

We wail because blatant, in-your-face heists of the Wealth of the People are taking place daily; the wrong allocation of our stolen wealth takes place in our eyes while those who pretend to represent us turn the blind eye! That’s why we wail…

We must #restructureOrBurst

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