Woman arrested for scalding stepdaughter with hot knife in Bayelsa

The Bayelsa State Police Command has arrested a woman for allegedly inflicting burns on the buttocks of her 10-year-old stepdaughter using a hot knife.

It was gathered that the suspect identified as Esther Otoniye, had severely beaten the victim, who had scars all over her body.

Following her arrest at her residence in Yenagoa, the state capital, the suspect had denied the allegation, accusing the minor of lying against her.

Otoniye also claimed that the burns on the victim’s buttocks resulted from an accident caused by hot water.

But the little girl had disclosed that her step mum had burnt her with a hot knife for telling a lie.

However, following complaints by some child rights groups, the State Police spokesperson, Asinim Butswat said the Commissioner of Police ordered the suspect’s arrest.

He noted that the investigation is ongoing as the case had been transferred to the State Criminal Investigation and Intelligence Department.