Two arrested over killing of policemen in Delta

The Delta State Police Command says it has arrested two suspects in connection with the incident that led to the killing of three policemen at Okpanam community in Oshimili Local Government Area of the State.

It was gathered that the police operatives were killed in the early hours of Sunday by unidentified gunmen.

A statement signed by the Command’s spokesperson, DSP Bright Edafe, on Tuesday, said the Police was closing in on the perptrators of the act, while assuring residents of the area of security.

The statement also urged residents of Okpanam community to discountenance the rumours making the round that a 6-to-6 curfew has been declared in the community with effect from 26/7/22 to enable security agencies to carry out their job.

“The Command wishes to emphatically state that there is no curfew declared in Okpanam community and as a matter of fact, Okpanam community is calm and two suspects have been arrested in connection with the incident that led to the death of three policemen in the early hours of Sunday 24/7/2022 and the Command is closing up on the other members of the gang.

“The Commissioner of Police Delta State, CP Ari Muhammed Ali, is assuring members of the public, particularly residents of Okpanam community that they should go about their lawful business(es) without fear as the Command is not only able and willing, but also committed to the protection life and property in the State,” the statement added.