Edo gov’t warns against reopening of schools

The Edo State Government has said that it has not authorised the reopening of schools for 3rd term academic activities, warning that the government will impose sanctions on schools that would flout the directive.

In a statement, Commissioner for Education, Hon. (Barr.) Jimoh Ijegbai said the state government did not authorise the reopening of schools whether public or private, including certificate classes.

He said: “It has come to the attention of the Edo State Government that some schools in Edo State have reopened and some are planning to reopen for the 3rd term academic session.”

Ijegbai added: “For the avoidance of doubt, the state government has not authorised schools whether public or private, even the certificate classes to reopen under the present circumstances of the COVID-19 pandemic.

“A date of resumption will be communicated to all stakeholders after modalities have been put in place to ensure the safety of our children and wards.”

The commissioner urged school proprietors to be guided by the state government’s directive, warning that adequate sanctions will be meted out on any school that flouts the directive.