Terrorists storm UNIABUJA, abduct staff

Terrorists have abducted no fewer than 4 persons from the University of Abuja staff quarters in the Giri area of the Federal Capital Territory (FCT).

It was gathered that the suspected terrorists kidnapped some lecturers and members of their families in the wee hours of Tuesday.

One of the residents said the bandits were fully armed and believed to be of Fulani extraction, Daily Sun reports.

It was gathered that the attack scene was near a checkpoint reportedly of personnel of the army Guards’ Battalion.

The eyewitness who pleaded anonymity said the bandits operated for over an hour and 30 minutes.

One claimed that residents of the staff quarters and neighbours tried to reach out to security agents without success.

According to the source, some soldiers responded after the bandits had ended the operation.

The eyewitness revealed that the bandits used a public primary school behind the quarters as their operational base while the assault lasted.

Confirming the incident, the university’s spokesman, Habib Yakoob, said the abducted victims were six in number.

“Yes, I just confirmed that the information is true. Apart from the professor and his children, a non-academic staff was also involved. They are about six victims,” he said.

The university spokesperson also hinted that security operatives had been mobilised to secure their freedom.