Rivers: Court acquits minor for manslaughter

Tina Amanda

A High Court sitting in Port Harcourt has discharged and acquitted a minor, Emmanuel Chibuike, from a manslaughter suit filed against him.

The Defendant, Emmanuel Chibuike, was charged with manslaughter under section 236 of the criminal code of Nigeria for stabbing twenty years old Ahmed Buhari to death in self-defence, on November 2020, at Mile 3 Diobu, Port Harcourt local government area.

In her judgement, the presiding judge, Justice Else Thompson, ruled that it is not in doubt that the deceased died, but the act which led to his death was not intentional as the Defendant acted in self-defence from the deceased who bullied him.

The Judge held that the prosecution could not prove beyond reasonable doubt that the minor Emmanuel Chibuike committed manslaughter and not self-defence by stabbing Late Ahmed Buhari to death.

The court, however, discharged and acquitted the Defendant for lack of evidence to show he committed manslaughter offence.

Recall that sometime in November 2020, the deceased and his friends were said to have collected the Defendant’s football without including him in the game.

The Defendant later took his ball and ran home, but the deceased followed him, beat him up, held his neck, trying to strangle him and in the process, the Defendant stabbed the deceased to death.

In an interview with our Correspondent, Boma John-Williams, Counsel to the Defendant, said they are happy with the judgement as the law has vindicated the Defendant, who does not have anyone except his aged grandmother.

She further advises youth not to get involved in problems or any form of assault, intimidation or bullying of young ones or their fellow that may result to harm or death as they may not be lucky to be vindicated by the law.

Also, the prosecution Counsel Kingsley Briggs, said they would liaise with the deceased family to know the next steps.