Nothing must happen to Dino Melaye–Reps

The House of Representatives on Thursday issued a stern warning to security agencies, particularly the Police, about the security of Senator Dino Melaye.

Melaye, who represents Kogi-West Senatorial District at the Senate, was said to have been driven in a police ambulance from Abuja to Lokoja on Thursday.

The embattled senator was stretchered into the Magistrates’ Court in Lokoja, where he was arraigned on gun-running allegations by the Police.

The senator was later remanded in custody till June 11.

But the House said in Abuja that the sight of Melaye on a stretcher was reminiscent of that of a sick man who should have received medical attention before his arraignment.

The House’s reaction came after a member from Kogi State, Mr. Karimi Sunday, raised a point of personal explanation on the floor to bring the “plight” of Melaye to the attention of members.

Sunday had alleged that Melaye was being persecuted by the Kogi State Government because of his strong views on certain issues affecting the state.

He stated, “Melaye is facing persecution from the state government because of his beliefs.

“We must do all that is within our constitutional powers to ensure that the rule of law prevails.

“What is happening to Melaye today can happen to any of us tomorrow, if we keep quiet.”

The Speaker, Mr. Yakubu Dogara, while ruling on the matter, said the House was satisfied with the steps taken so far by the Senate and was solidly behind the upper chamber.

“All I can say at this point is that nothing must happen to Senator Melaye.

“If any law has been breached, the Police must ensure that his life is secured first.

“If anything happens to him, the security agencies will be held accountable.

“I have not seen in any country where someone is arraigned on a stretcher to take pleas. How do you even take his pleas?

“He must be alive first to answer to your charges because his life comes before the prosecution,” Dogara added.


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