IYC threatens to shut down Lagos school if granted clearance to re-open

The Ijaw Youth Council has directed the Lagos state government to ensure that 12-year-old student of Dowen College, Sylvester Oromoni, who was allegedly bullied to death at the school, gets justice.

Members of the council, on Thursday, staged a protest in front of the school, noting that the school could not resume like others when justice was yet to be served.

Recall that on Tuesday, legal advice was issued stating that police investigation and the two autopsies conducted on the body of the deceased failed to establish a prima facie case against five students and five staff of the college.

According to the Legal Advice, the interim and final autopsy reports issued by the Lagos State University Teaching Hospital and toxicology report of post-mortem samples established the cause of death as Septicaemia, Lobar Pneumonia with Acute Pyelonephritis, Pyomyositis of the right ankle and Acute Bacteria Pneumonia due to severe Sepsis.

However, reacting to the legal advice issued by the Lagos State Director of Public Prosecution, Adetutu Osinusi, the IYC said any attempt to open the school would be strongly resisted.

According to one of the IYC leaders, “We are here today to express our anger and grievances with the fake and corrupt report released by the Lagos State Director of Public Prosecution that this school where cultists are being trained is cleared. They cleared the same people that killed our son without trial, without concluded investigation; they said they cleared this school to open.

“If they open this school, the whole Ijaw nation will come here, let them try it and see, if they open this school on Monday, the whole Ijaw nation will come, we will come with our school bags, feeding bottles and join them here. Let them bring armoured tanks here, we have the capacity.

“If they refuse to give us justice, this school will not be open, we want to send a message to the governor of this state; I believe he is a well-trained person, if he supports injustice, then this school will not have peace.

“Nobody can stop us when this thing happened, we said okay, we want justice, we folded our hands, this is the first time in the whole world we heard that before an investigation is concluded, before a case got to court, all of a sudden, during the holiday, they tried the case in their houses and cleared them.

“Our son cannot die and their children will walk in here; it’s not possible, we want justice; justice is not done served.”