IPOB threatens schools against disobeying Nigeria anthem ban

The Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) has issued a warning to schools in the South Eastern region against disobeying the order banning the recitation of the Nigerian anthem during its activities.

Recall that the IPOB had banned the recitation of the national anthem in schools in the South East as well as the consumption of cow meat in the region.

The group’s spokesperson, Emma Powerful, in a statement, on Wednesday, said the ban was necessary to the freedom course of the South East.

The group said it wanted schools to adopt the recitation of Biafra Anthem, teach Igbo culture and tradition and the history of Biafra.

According to the statement, “Our achievements in the struggle for Biafra restoration will marvel many traitors because IPOB will soon showcase our achievements so far. We have accomplished so much since this fight for our freedom started, and we give the credit to the Almighty God in heaven who has ordained the restoration of Biafra.

“Again, concerning reading Nigeria national anthem in our schools, we want every school to start reading Biafra national anthem and soon every school is going to receive a copy of Biafra national anthem because Biafra is coming and nothing will stop it and on May 30 every year will be celebrating independence anniversary and nothing will stop that, Biafrans must oblige to this order for our freedom. Any school found wanting or disobeying this order will regret its actions.

“Our leader, Nnamdi Kanu, must be released. Nigeria cannot be releasing bandits and terrorists but keep freedom-seekers behind bars perpetually; it’s an error.

“We are also warning traitors to stay off our territory because it won’t be easy for them this time.”