Ghana visit: You should be ashamed – PDP tells Buhari

The Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) has stated that President Muhammadu Buhari ought to have been embarrassed following his state visit to Ghana.

The party, in a statement issued by its National Publicity Secretary, Mr. Kola Ologbondiyan, said the President ought to draw lessons from his Ghanaian counterpart, President Nana Akufo-Addo on how to run a peaceful, united and economically vibrant nation.

It declared that while the President of Ghana paraded credentials of a robust economy and a peaceful nation, Nigeria, under the Buhari Presidency was plagued with economic recession and an upsurge of violence and daily bloodletting.

The party also criticised the President for offering to assist Ghana in her war against corruption, when his own administration reeks heavily with corruption as evinced by the Transparency International report which exposed the fact that corruption has worsened in Nigeria under his watch.

“When President Buhari was reeling out President Akufo-Addo achievements in his one year in office; his ingenious approach to job creation; the farming-for-job initiative, the senior high school free education, one district-one factory project and one village-one dam initiative among others,” the statement read.

“We hope our dear President reflected on the fact that back home, his inept government had instead, wrecked our once robust economy, the reason he had nothing to present to the world at the ceremony.

“We hope President Buhari recollected that unlike his Ghanaian counterpart, his administration had nothing to show in its first year in office.

“Our President recalls that under his own watch, over eight million Nigerians have lost their jobs, 16 million remained unemployed, 18 million more are underemployed while another 27.44 million refused to work for various reasons related to frustrations occasioned by the negative policies of his government.

“Today, the world knows that what obtains in Nigeria is the direct persecution of opposition members under the guise of a fight against corruption, which has been aided by intimidation of the judiciary and incessant harassment of journalists.

“The PDP therefore urges President Buhari’s handlers to stop embarrassing the nation, especially at the international stage.

“We know that the Presidency sought to use the Ghana visit to curry international endorsement for their 2019 re-election bid, unfortunately, they reaped a harvest of international embarrassment and ridicule.”

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