Garba Shehu to Remo Omokri: Keep your blood money, I don’t need it

Garba Shehu, Senior Special Assistant to President Muhammadu Buhari on Media and Publicity has tackled the former presidential aide, Reno Omokri for challenging him to spend weekend in Bama Local Government Area of Borno State and get $50k.

This follows a recent claim by Mr Garba, stating that “Buhari deserves credit for tackling insecurity”, Omokri, a socio-political activist had challenged him to spend a weekend in Bama LG alone without security and get $50k.

Reno said, “Yesterday, Garba Shehu renewed his claim that “Buhari deserves credit for tackling insecurity”. I now renew my challenge to Garba. Spend a weekend alone, without security, in Bama, and I will pay him $50k.

“I am willing to pay the money into an escrow account TODAY or deposit the money with any objective and neutral Third Party of Garba Shehu’s choice”.

Reacting to Omokri’s challenge, Garba Shehu in a post on his verified Facebook page on Sunday, accused the ex-media aide of former President Goodluck Jonathan of using the ordeal of abducted Daptchi School Girl, Leah Sharibu to make money.

According to him, he does not need the $50k staked by Reno, saying it is a blood monkey.

The post reads, “My message to anyone who made money using Leah Sharibu’s sad ordeal, and they are flaunting it remains unchanged: This is blood money. I don’t need any of it. Period”.