FG sets date for commencement of WAEC

The Federal Government on Monday in Abuja, announced that the West African Senior School Certificate Examination will hold from August 3 to September 5.

The Minister of State for Education, Mr Chukwuemeka Nwajiuba, said this at the 49th joint national briefing of the Presidential Task Force (PTF) on COVID-19.

According to him, this was the outcome of a series of meetings held with stakeholders.

He said this present an opportunity for all the states in the country to prepare their schools to accommodate the students for the examinations.

He said the local timings for the country will be published while concluding stakeholders meeting with Nigeria Center for Disease Control (NCDC) and Nigeria Union of Teachers (NUT) will hold on Tuesday.

He also advised parents and guardians to ensure their wards register for ongoing National Examinations Council (NECO) examinations registration.

He said dates for the National Business and Technical Education Board (NABTEB) and NECO exams will be announced soon.

“From the 4th of August to the 5th of September. Parents, please take note. Last week, the PTF chairman announced that school facilities will be available for those who want to go into revision classes.

“As soon as we conclude WAEC, we will take up the NABTEB and NECO exams. The idea is that we have a month from now till then. Those who can and those who are willing, the states who are willing should make their schools available for their children to revise.

“We have done the most we can to talk with our representatives at WAEC and this (Monday) afternoon, we confirmed dates allotted for the exams will be from the 4th of August through to the 5th of September. Local timings will be published.

“From tomorrow, this is what we are taking into our concluding stakeholder meetings with NCDC, Nigerian Union of Teachers, everybody will be at the stakeholders meeting tomorrow and this date is what we are going to look at. “We will be asking that those who are not prepared yet should please go and prepare.

“We are continuing with registration for NECO. For those who have not concluded registration along those lines, this is the time to update and get your registration done,” Nwajiuba said.

Meanwhile, the Federal Government has expressed concern over the high rate of positive cases of the COVID-19 especially among people in authority.

The Secretary to the Government of the Federation (SGF) and Chairman, Presidential Task Force (PTF) on COVID-19, Boss Mustapha, raised this concern on Monday in Abuja at the 49th joint national briefing of the taskforce.

According to him, this has a direct impact on the governance and security of the nation.

“We urge that vigilance and care should be exhibited by all Nigerians irrespective of status. This virus does not discriminate and the PTF shall keep sustaining its sensitization messaging,” Mustapha said.

He said that as nation progress into the second phase of the eased lockdown, the National Response continues to escalate its level of vigilance and monitoring, especially as government ease restrictions in more sectors, including those with potentials for large gatherings and/or interactions between groups of people.