Ex-militants back Dikio, urge NSA to ignore allegations against him

Former agitators under the aegis of Delta Ex-agitators have implored the National Security Adviser (NSA), Babagana Monguno, to ignore allegations of one Kingsley Muturu, against the Interim Administrator of Presidential Amnesty Programme (PAP), Col. Milland Dikio (Rtd).

Muturu, who claimed to be the leader of Phase 2, Delta State chapter of the PAP, had accused Dikio of showing preferential treatment in the allocation of stakeholders’ benefits.

The aggrieved had also vowed to stage a protest in Abuja to buttress his claims.

However, in a statement signed by ‘General’ Lucky Omogba in Warri, on Tuesday, the ex-militants said Muturu was pursuing a personal agenda.

They said Muturu’s anger lies in the fact that the amnesty office only accepted 25 out of the over 300 names he presented for scholarships.

According to the ex-agitators, the amnesty office carried out a discreet investigation on all the list of various leaders presented to them and discovered that most of the names were either fictional or people who did not write the examinations of the Joint Admission Matriculation Board (JAMB).

The statement read in part, “We want to distance ourselves from the planned protest of one Muturu, the so-called leader of Phase 2 of the Delta State chapter of the amnesty programme. We are aware that he is doing so for his own personal interest and not our interests.

“Muturu was caught in his own usual game. Out of more than 300 names he presented for scholarship to the amnesty office, only 25 were accepted because the rest were not genuine names. Most of them did not write JAMB and did not have admission from any university.

The amnesty office told him that in our presence after its investigation and he admitted it. So, we are surprised that he could turn around to accuse Dikio of preferential treatment, highhandedness and all that nonsense. We condemn his approach because it is purely cheap blackmail.”