Bandits raid Zamfara village, abduct women

Terrorists in Zamfara State have stormed the Dansadau village of Maru Local Government, killed an elderly person, and abducted the wives of Alhaji Sani Usman, the district head.

HumAngle reports that the terrorists razed the village around 2:00 a.m, Friday and murdered Alhaji Haruna Koli, an elderly person before kidnapping the women.

The residents of the village lamented the absence of security forces to protect them.

They said that there were repeated calls for military or police presence in the village for the past eight months.

“We have been asking for a military or police unit for the last 8 months, but to no avail.

“We sit in a dense forest. This is the third time the bandits are coming to kill and abduct people recently,” one of the residents said.

Maru Local Government is one of the most troubled areas of Zamfara state where terror attacks are frequently recorded.

No fewer than 50 people were abducted by terrorists at Lingyado village of the Maru Local Government Area of Zamfara State on Sunday, October 25, 2020.

The people, mostly farmers, were reportedly abducted along with their traditional ruler during an attack that lasted many hours.