Imo residents observe sit-at-home despite suspension by IPOB

Commercial activities on Monday were grounded in Owerri, the Imo State, despite the suspension of the sit-at-home order earlier imposed by the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB).

There was pandemonium in the state last week over the sporadic shooting by unknown gunmen alleged to have come to enforce the sit-at-home order in the state.

The Police in Imo had debunked the report stating that it was an act of mischief-makers to cause fear.

Meanwhile, IPOB had denied reports that it ordered a 3-day sit-at-home to celebrate the anniversary of the EndSARS protest, as it affirmed that it only declared a sit-at-home on Thursday when their leader, Nnamdi Kanu, would appear in court.

Major streets known for the beehive of activities were deserted despite plea by Governor Hope Uzodimma to residents to go about their businesses without any fear.

Police patrol teams were stationed in popular junctions and some banks that opened for business while armed mobile police officers patrolled the streets in their vehicles.

Anti-riot police officers mounted a roadblock in front of the Alvan Ikoku Federal College of Education and the Federal Medical Centre, Owerri.

Few vehicles were seen plying on Wetheral Road, Ikenegbu/Aladinnma, Douglas roads with minimal movements by residents.

Nnamdi Kanu faces charges bordering on treasonable felony as he is expected to appear in court on Thursday for trial.