US election: Biden Wins Texas, 9 Other States on Super Tuesday

Joe Biden has won Texas’ Democratic presidential primary, the biggest prize south of America with 228 delegates in Super Tuesday.

More than 2 million people had already voted in Texas even before polls opened for Super Tuesday primary. The state, which has long been reliably Republican, is growing increasingly bluer amid a demographics change in Texas.

Biden held a rally in Dallas on Monday night, where he showcased two of his newest supporters and former rivals, Amy Klobuchar and Beto O’Rourke. Pete Buttigieg endorsed Biden earlier in the night in Dallas.

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Biden has also won Massachusetts, Arkansas, Minnesota, Tennessee, Alabama, Oklahoma, North Carolina, and Virginia.

Bernie Sanders won California, Utah, Vermont, and Colorado.

Biden’s resurgence is remarkable as he scored sweeping victories across the country on Super Tuesday.

He was backed by a diverse coalition that helped revitalize a moderate presidential bid teetering on the edge of disaster just days earlier before the South Carolina primary.

But progressive rival Bernie Sanders seized the day’s biggest prize with a win in California that ensured he would drive the Democrats’ nomination fight for the foreseeable future.

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