Delta Police nabs woman allegedly found with pistol, drugs

The Delta State Police Command says it has arrested a suspect allegedly found in possession of a fabricated pistol, five rounds of live ammunition and illicit drugs.

The suspect, identified as Blessing Oghule, was arrested alongside three other suspects during a raid on a black spot at Abraka axis in Asaba, the state capital.

In a statement on Monday, the Spokesperson of the command, DSP Bright Edafe, said the suspect had in her possession five suspected stolen phones, a bag containing substances suspected to be cocaine and Indian hemp.

According to the statement, “On 21/10/21 at about 1415hrs, the Command raider operatives in compliance with the directive of the Commissioner of police Delta state, CP Ari Muhammed Ali, FCIA, PSC+ raided black spots at Abraka axis in Asaba.

“During the raid, four (4) suspects namely Blessing Oghule ‘f’, Nweke Abudi ‘f’, Ebuka Paul ‘m’, and Sunday Inuse ‘m’ were arrested.

“One (1) English Beretta pistol with five (5) live 9mm ammunition, five (5) suspected stolen phones, one handbag containing weeds suspected to be Indian hemp, one (1) nylon bag containing substances suspected to be ice and ten (10) wraps of substances suspected to be cocaine were recovered from Blessing Oghule.”