Delta Police apprehend drunk man who fell asleep after raping victim

The Delta State Police command has arrested a suspected rapist, who allegedly fell asleep after having carnal knowledge of his victim.

The 34-year-old suspect identified as Ayuba Adabo, allegedly raped a twenty-five-year-old lady along Amagiya road, Sapele area of the state.

A statement released by the State’s Police spokesperson, DSP Bright Edafe, said that the suspect, who was heavily drunk, accosted the victim and dragged her to his room, where he threatened to shoot her before forcefully having sex with her.

However, he fell into a deep sleep after the act, giving the victim an opportunity to escape and alert the Police.

“The victim on noticing that the suspect was fast asleep sneaked out and ran to Sapele division where she reported the case. Consequently, patrol team/detectives were drafted to the scene. The suspect was promptly arrested,” Edafe added.

The spokesman also stated that investigations have been launched into the incident.