Witch doctor disappears after burying 3 months old baby alive

Tina Amanda

A Delta State Indigene popularly known as Dr Mike India, operating a shrine in Edeoha community Upata Ekpeye, in Ahoada East local government area, who was caught burying a 3 months old baby alive, has allegedly disappeared on the process of being arrested by angry Youths.

An eyewitness, Ununuma Edward-Odoi, in an interview with our correspondent, Tina Amanda, narrated that the native doctor was caught at the early hours of Monday, 1st November, burying the baby and making incantations, by a village drunk who raised alarm that attracted community people.

According to her, the community youth pounced on the native doctor to the point he confessed to committing grievous atrocities including killing over two hundred people.

She explained further that on the process of torturing the native doctor, he touched the wall and disappeared, which made the Youths angrily rushed to burn down his house, only to discover several pictures of people who were diabolically chained.

Edward-Odo, however, revealed that some people whose pictures were found in the shrine who were either blind or or afflicted with stroke have regained their health.