We are tired of using barefoot to chase criminals – says OSPAC

Brave Dickson

Members of the ONELGA Security Planning and Advisory Committee (OSPAC) are getting seriously discouraged as they have no operational vehicle to chase criminals.

The Secretary General of OSPAC, Gift Ohia told our correspondent that they are tired of using barefoot
to chase criminals which he said has resulted in more casualties on his members.

Ohia said, “more of my colleagues are hospitalised with broken bones because we have been chasing criminals with our barefoot.

“Some of my colleagues have had their fingers chopped off and we can not continue to protect our people who can not provide operational vehicle for us.

“We are seriously discouraged and if we continue this way, we will end up becoming victims to the criminals we are chasing.

“It is very bad to hear that the people we are protecting night and day don’t want to give us common vehicles to use for this dangerous security job we are into.”

The OSPAC secretary general also said the main reason they will not quit the security job is because the hoodlums will come after them.

He therefore assured travellers to ONELGA for Christmas of their safety, adding that lack of vehicle is only demoralizing them but will not stop them from providing security in ONELGA.