The era of using arms to draw government’s attention is over – Okochiri Monarch, Ateke Tom

Gladys Nweke

The Amanyanabo of Okochiri Community in Okirika Local Government Area of Rivers State, His Royal Majesty, King Ateke Tom, has said that the era of the use of arms as a way of seeking government attention should be over now.

The former Niger Delta agitator, described as criminals, those using arms to draw government’s attention to some issues rather than embracing dialogue.

His Royal Magesty was reacting to an online video clip posted by a militant group calling him to make peace between him and the leaders in Akwa Ibom State.

He noted that dialogue is the best answer for aggrieved persons and the lasting solution to any problems.

The Okochiri monarch stressed that government should stop negotiating with criminals, insisting that any group that bears arms should be regarded as a criminal group.

The royal father said that he could not identify the faces of members of those militant group in the video.

“I would not have given attention to the clip as I do not identify with criminals and cannot. But for the sake of records and integrity, I wish to say that I do not know the hoodlums in that video.

“As a peace ambassador, who ensures peace, love and development among youths, communities and the leaders, I don’t associate with criminals and hoodlums.

“I want the youths not to allow themselves to be used as enemies of the society to cause crisis in communities. The time for using arms to get attention is over.

” If there is a misunderstanding within, the youths should approach the right channel to settle their problems” the monarch said!

The monarch expressed the need for those in the video clip to be fished out and investigated, adding that the video clip was geared at destroying people’s image.

In his speech, he said those youths are criminals and should be investigated, fished out, arrested and prosecuted for causing panic in the society through their evil deeds.

Ateke charged the youths to continue to assist security operatives to fight crime and ensure the existence of peace in the Niger Delta.

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