RVSG to provide permanent remedy to flood prone Areas

John Diidi

As the raining season enters its full gear, with residents of Rumuigbo, Nkpolu and Rumualoghu area all in Obio Akpor Local Government Area of the state crying out for help as they’re being sacked by Flood water, the Rivers State Commissioner for works Dum Deekor while inspecting the flooded areas has assured that Government will build a canal at Rumigbo axis of East-West road so as to reduce cases of Flooding in the area.

Dum Deekor also said structures built at Nkpolu natural water path will be demolished as part of measures to control the perennial Flooding in the area.

Theportcitynews.com in June ran series of reports on the flooding in these areas that have stalled economic activities and destroyed properties worth millions, especially the Nkpolu area which was caused by land dispute.

However, Mr Deekor said: “The natural waterway has been built on by those who don’t feel that that channel should be allowed to exist.

“And so the next solution to what Government is going to do is to ensure that we go out there and do further surveys. Some area surveys we are going to do, which is going to give us exactly what we want, and in less than no time, we may be forced to take some of the structures off so that the people around there can live in peace.

“We also urge them to clean the existing drains because virtually all of them are blocked.

“As you’re approaching Choba by Royal House of Grace there, that is Rumualoghu, You will discover that one lane of the dual carriage has been abandoned because it has failed and permanently covered with water. There is a culvert there but the ministry will have to provide a discharge drains that will take all the water around there to the river” he assured.

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