RSHA to invite chairmen of flood-affected LGAs

Following the prediction of NIMET over flood affected areas in the state, Rivers State House of Assembly has resolved to invite local government Chairmen and the ministry of environment to make necessary plans for flood affected areas in the state.

The house also resolved to urge all lawmakers to sensitize their constituents in preparation of the flood and also called on national assembly to take proactive measures to give succor to flood affected areas in the state.

The resolution follows a motion presented at the floor of the house by the house committee chairman on Environment, DUMLE MAOL.

MAOL urged the house to act so as to save residents of the state from the looming disaster.

Martins Amaewhule, the Majority leader of the house, urged the house to call on NEMA not to abandon the state when funds are being allocated to flood affected areas in the country.

Meanwhile, the Chief whip of the house, EVANS BIPI; the lawmaker representing Ogba-Egbema-Ndoni constituency 2, NATHANIEL OWAJI and the lawmaker representing TAi constituency; MATTHEW DIKE including other lawmakers supported the prayers of the motions on the floor of the house.

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