Rivers youths demand immediate sack of RSU VC over ‘No School Fees, No Exam’ policy

The Rivers State Ethnic Youth Leaders Coalition (RSEYLC) has called for the immediate sack of Prof. Nlerum Sunday Okogbule, Vice Chancellor of the Rivers State University (RSU) following the ‘No School Fees, No Exam’ policy allegedly imposed on students of the institution.

RSEYLC while describing the policy as ‘obnoxious and barbaric’ said the development is set to frustrate students as those who made the decision have no respect for the educational system.

In a press statement signed by the group’s publicity secretary, Amb. Tamunobelema Tamunoimama, the youths called on the management of the institution to repudiate the policy immediately.

Chairman of REYLC, Comrade Legborsi Yamaabana, who doubles as the President-General of the Ogoni Youth Federation (OYF), said the decision must be condemned by well-meaning individuals and lovers of education.

According to the statement, “It is insensitive on the part of the authorities of RSU to be frustrating students they were supposed to help graduate on time. This development has reduced the institution into the level of secondary school where students are chased away for non-payment of school fees. This is alien to tertiary education system and those who made the decision have no respect for education.

“Students should be allowed to pursue their education unhindered and be compelled to clear all outstanding fees upon graduation and before collection of their certificates. This is how it is practiced globally and I am sure, Prof. Okogbole and most management staff if not all of them benefited from this arrangement.

“The future of Rivers State University students, majority who are from Rivers State, are being tampered with, not taking the exams will amount to not going for NYSC when due, with their colleagues from other institutions and repeating extra year, which involves extra cost and would be a double jeopardy for the students, their parents and guardians.

“We, therefore, call on the Governor of Rivers State and Visitor to the University to not only cause this distasteful decision to be rescinded but to sack the Vice Chancellor of the University, Prof. Nlerum Sunday Okogbule.”