Rivers State House of Assembly to repeal existing laws on noise pollution

John Diidi

The issue of noise pollution ravaging Port Harcourt and environs, is now receiving the attention of the Rivers State House of Assembly.

Chairman committee on Environment, Christian Ahiakwo told the press that the existing laws on noise pollution which was enacted during the military era, will be revisited to ensure the prosecution of the offenders.

He said that noise generated from factories and some religious houses above the approved decibels would be controlled.

“The law was made durng the military era, and the law stated that the only source of noise pollution, was noise generated by those who sell cassette. So every other sources where not considered as source of noise pollution.

“So to me, I feel that is not the only source of noise pollution.

“You can agree with me that today, noise generated by churches is something else.

“We are working towards seeing how we can amend or repeal the former one, to reenact one that will be all encompassing.

The lawmaker also said that today noise pollution constitutes a huge health risk, and so needs to be checked.

“Different areas have different decibels. We have areas that are residential, they have their own decibel. We have operational areas, they have their own decibel. You have market and school areas, they also have their own decibel.

“So this different decibels also affects the exposure limit. That is, the extent to which you’re exposed to the source of noise, also has a role to play.

“So noise pollution has its negative effects on Human beings.

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