Port Harcourt Catholic Bishop leads protest against herdsmen killings. (Pictures)

Catholic Clergymen in Port Harcourt joined their colleagues all over the country to call on government at all levels to strengthen security apparatus in order to secure lives and properties of the Nigerian citizens.

The Bishop of Catholic Diocese of Portharcourt, Most Reverend Dr. Achibong Etokubo, who stated this to newsmen during a solidarity protest in Port Harcourt on Tuesday in honour of the two priests and seventeen catholic faithfuls who were murdered recently in Benue state by herdsmen, said that government should do more to protect the lives of people who have been forced to live their daily lives in perpetual fear and tears.

The Bishop also condemned the wanton and senseless killings by terrorist groups and Fulani herdsmen who he said goes about destroying properties and attacking innocent citizens in the country.

“We are celebrating life that has never ended, but what we do on earth will take us to God. We are also praying in solidarity for those who are mourning their dear ones, and encouraging the government to do more and help the citizens to live lives worthy of their call.

“Life is a gift from God, it’s sacred, it’s precious, therefore nobody has any reason to destroy life, be it in politics, business, cult or kidnapping. We condemn all that because God is the author of life, it’s in God that we live and have our being”

Also speaking, the Director of communications, Port Harcourt catholic diocese, Reverend Batholomew Uzoma, said that the protest was to pray for Gods intervention in the country.

“It’s a peaceful prayer protest, not a protest against the government or its policies. Its a protest seeking for God’s intervention in our lives and urging those who are charged to protect lives of citizens to do so”

The protest by catholic faithfuls took place in all the major cities across the country. The message was one and the protesters demanded an end to the unnecessary killings by herdsmen through out the country.

In Port Harcourt, the protest was successful as congregants walked along Aba road singing and praying, with some bearing play cards condemning the incessant killings in the country.

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