Police arrest secondary school students for rape of 12-year-old girl in Rivers

Tina Amanda

The State Criminal Investigation and Intelligence Department (SCIID) Portharcourt has taken over the case of alleged gang rape of a twelve-year-old girl by three boys aged fifteen (15) and fourteen (14) years old, at Rumudomaya in Obio/Akpor Local Government Area of Rivers State.

Our Correspondent gathered that two of the suspects Chibuike and Christopher aged 15 and 14 years were arrested on Monday 14 February 2022, while the third suspect who is also 15 years old is at large.

The two arrested teenagers were transferred from the Human Rights desk at Police headquarters to State CID on Tuesday 15 February.

The father of the alleged defiled victim who pleaded anonymity in an interview with our Correspondent narrated that on November 2021, the three teenage boys abducted his twelve-year-old daughter in Rumudomaya on her way to dispose off refuse at about 7 pm and took her to a secluded area where she was allegedly defiled by the trio and held hostage for three hours.

He said that they also threatened her not to disclose their identities.

The father disclosed that the arrest of the suspects is coming after two months of a thorough investigation by the human rights desk following a petition he wrote to the Commissioner of Police which was minuted to the Department in Police headquarters.

He further lamented that medical examination conducted on the twelve-year-old daughter showed she was badly brutalized while calling for justice on the matter.

As of press time, the two teenage boys are being detained at the State CID Port Harcourt.