Police arrest man for killing mother in Eleme

Florence Uwaeme

One Osaro Owate has been arrested by the Rivers State Police Command, for killing his mother.

Police said Owate killed his mother at Alesa community in Eleme local government area of the State, following an argument over ₦10,000.

The suspect, who claims to have been suffering from a spiritual problem for over 30 years, confessed to have used a hoe to kill his mother.

Speaking in a short video that has gone viral on social media, Owate said he demanded for ₦20,000 from his late mother, to buy clothes for a burial ceremony, only to receive ₦10,000 from her.

The suspect said: “Yesterday (Friday), I told her that this morning (Saturday), she should go and withdraw money for buy clothes I will wear for a burial. Early this morning before I woke up, she left the house and said she was going for the burial.

“And I asked her about the money I requested for or if she doesn’t want me to attend the burial again. She said okay, she will withdraw the money for me.

“She went and withdrew N20,000 and when I went to meet her there, she gave me only N10,000. I started wondering where I can go and see clothes worth N10,000 to buy.

“As I was following her, she started abusing me that my mates are working and why am I still jobless. I reminded her that I have my own problem that is disturbing me. How can I go and look for work when I have a problem that is disturbing me?

“She continued to talking and I got angry and hit her with a hoe. She was in the kitchen and was about to prepare food when I hit her. As the anger came up, I finished her. If my life will end because of this, let it be so. I have been having spiritual problem for more than 30 years. As you see me now, I want to die.”

The Rivers State Police Command was yet to issue any statement on the ugly development as at the time of filing this report.