PH based phone repairers describe Buhari as analogue president over Twitter ban

Brave Dickson

A cross-section of phone repairers in Port Harcourt, the capital of Rivers State has expressed disheartening over the ban on Twitter by President Muhammadu Buhari, describing him as an analogue president.

Our correspondent who went round speaking with some phone repairers at the Garrison and Lagos Bus stop axes of the state capital reported that the artisans viewed Buhari as none ICT compliant.

Some of them who gave their names as Frank Chika, Ibiso George, Jude Loveday and Samuel Chukwudi maintained that the president is wasting his time-fighting tech giant, Twitter.

You recall that few days after Twitter deleted a controversial tweet by Buhari, the Minister of Information and Culture, Lai Muhammad announced the suspension of Twitter in the country on behalf of the federal government.

The artisans said, “Buhari is an analogue president who is not ICT compliant.

“That is why the country is technologically backward because our president doesn’t know the importance of ICT.

“If Buhari knows the economic and social good that Twitter is doing for Nigeria, he will not dream of banning it.

“It is a pity that Nigeria is having this type of president at the time other countries are proudly embracing ICT.”