OSPAC member shoots self during scuffle over commercial sex worker

Tina Amanda

A member of OSPAC, a local vigilante group in Ogba/Egbema/Ndoni Local Government area, identified as Bobo has allegedly shot himself while attempting to shoot one Chukwuladi Akio, a Manager of a brothel (name withheld) at Omoku area of Rivers State.

It was gathered that the vigilante member was attempting to shoot Akio over a commercial sex worker when he accidentally shot himself in the leg on Wednesday night.

In an interview with our correspondent, Akio disclosed that the OSPAC member came to the hotel and sat talking with one of his girls while the gun he carried pointed straight at the girl.

According to him, when he noticed the gun was directed at the girl, he called her attention to it, only for the OSPAC member to attack him for doing that.

He said: “I only called the girl that she should stand up in front of the gun or she should go inside the room. The guy picked offense and asked if am crazy.

“I told him, I only gave her instruction to stand up from the front of the gun. Only for me to move, I did not know that Bobo was at my back he carried his hand and palmed me at the back and was ranting that he was talking to a woman, and I told the girl to stand up.

“He asked me if I want to collect, I told him, Bobo, I did not do anything wrong and I have never had a problem with you before.

“The next thing he cocked his gun and pointed the gun at me, telling me that today is my last day. Out of fear I have to run to his back and held him back. He put the gun under his leg to shoot me and the bullet hit his leg.

“I am not the one that shot him. Since I was born I do not know how to cock a gun let alone to shoot somebody”.

The Spokesperson of OSPAC in Ogba/Egbema/Ndoni, Godknows Nkem, did not respond to text messages sent to his phone by our correspondent nor did he pick the several calls.

The Chairman of OSPAC in Rivers State, Kingsley Ogumike, did not also respond to text messages sent to his mobile line by our correspondent.

Meanwhile, the Spokesperson for the Rivers State Police command SP Grace Iringe Koko when contacted said the command is aware of the matter and investigation is ongoing.

In the meantime, the Secretary of the Centre for Basic Rights Protection and Accountability Campaign in Rivers State, Gladys Oyenmwen, has called on OSPAC leadership to ensure training and re-training of their personnel on the subject matter of Human Rights with a view of ensuring their personnel respects rights of people while carrying out their duty.