Okrika police beg family of rape victim after suspect escaped from custody

Brave Dickson

The police in Okrika Police Division have begged the family of a rape victim to forgive them over the escape of a suspect from their custody.

TPCN had reliably reported that one Michael Robinson of 40yr old who was arrested for allegedly defiling a 5yr old girl last year December 25 had escaped from police custody.

According to the complainant and cousin of the rape victim, Hezekiah Theophilus, the suspect got to the house of the victim in Ibaka Community in Okrika Local Government Area of Rivers State and met her alone at home.

“After the suspect had defiled my little sister; stains were spotted around her pubic region, “Theophilus said, adding that medical report also confirmed that the minor was defiled.

On January 4, 2022, news went out that the suspect and other inmates had escaped from the custody of the Okrika Police Division.

Few months after the suspect had escaped from custody, the police had met with the cousin of the victim, pleading for the victim’s family forgiveness.

One of the police officers who was on duty the day the suspect escaped from custody, Inspector Tonye Dappa told our correspondent on telephone that she admitted her negligence and that of her colleagues which had led to the abscondment of the suspect.

She said, “please forgive me over the escape of the suspect from our custody.

“I was on duty with the keys to the cell that the suspect was in but I was not the one that did what made the suspect to escape from our custody.”