As the Political crisis in Treasure Base of the Nation keeps looming, we take a quick recess and shift our focus to other matters concerning the welfare of Rivers State.

Rivers State Executive Governor, Siminalayi Fubara, has claimed that the success of service and project conveyance carried out within his first one year in office is better than the eight years spent by some other Rivers administrations.

Fubara made this claim at Ngo Town during the official inauguration of the Andoni section of the Ogoni-Andoni-Opobo Unity Road project, in Andoni Local Government Area on Saturday.

This was made known in a statement issued by the Chief Press Secretary to the Governor, Nelson Chukwudi, and delivered to newsmen on Saturday evening.

Revealing what will be done soon in the health sector.

Fubara emphasized that it was inappropriate that recent statistics had classified the Oil rich Rivers State as below the set benchmark in terms of enrollments and availability of health facilities.

Fubara explained that the statistics were not specific to any particular administration’s duration in service, adding that the statistics stretched over a period of time, which indicated unacceptable level of negligence to the sector.

He, however, promised that in the next six months, Rivers people should expect to see evidence of significant investments that his administration had made to change the story.

He said, “I was in Nigerian Governors’ Forum meeting on Wednesday, and we were given an update from the chart on medical position of all the states. It was in zones You won’t believe that in that chart, everything that has to do with enrollment, even the level of facilities that is on the ground in that assessment, Rivers State was classified as below benchmark. It is a pity.

“It is not something that just happened in a day. It is not something that just happened within my time in government. No, no. It is a statistics collated over a period of time. So, it means when we tell you that our target is education, healthcare and agriculture, we didn’t make any mistake.

“We might have done other things, but those key areas have not been adequately attended to. And we promise our people this afternoon that by the special grace of God, in the next six months, there will be a total change in the health sector of Rivers State.”

Commenting on the project, the governor said the project had been delivered successfully, and applauded the initiator of the project, former governor, Dr Peter Odili and successive administrations that contributed their quota in realizing the Unity Road, for the people.

Atleast there is a calm in the storm for Rivers people at these Scary times.

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