Kalahari youths flog man for raping minor

Brave Dickson

A middle-aged man from West compound popularly known as Ironman because he does an iron bending job at construction sites has been flogged by some rough youths of Kalahari ethnic nationality for raping a 13yr old female minor.

The man was caught at night beside an uncompleted building raping the girl in Obuama Community in Degema Local Government Area of Rivers State.

It was learnt that the youths used sticks, cutlasses to flog the man who pleaded for forgiveness, pledging not to rape anyone again.

Our correspondent reliably confirmed that the mother of the victim whose name was difficult to get as of the time of filing this report went to the rapist’s house to engage the wife of the culprit, Tamunoebi West in a fight.

The fight started when the rapists wife was defending the action of her husband during a shouting match with the victim’s mother.

Tamunoebi West was loudly heard saying. “why will my husband not sleep with your daughter when your entire family is depending on my husband for financial help.

“Nobody should call it rape, my husband was only using sex to repay himself for all the financial help he has been giving to the family of the victim.”

She warned the mother of the victim to stop coming to her husband for financial help, if she doesn’t want her husband to keep sleeping with the minor.