JUSUN promises better service delivery as court activities begin in Rivers

litigants have been assured of better service delivery as Judiciary Staff Union of Nigeria JUSUN resumes duty after months of being on strike.

Chairman Joint Action Committee JUSUN, Comrade Godwin Yaako, in an interview with our correspondent, said the Judiciary Staff have been reoriented for better service delivery.

He said the judiciary system will now function more effectively, as their prayers have been to give quality service that will turn the Rivers State JUSUN into a world-class one.

He expressed hope that Judiciary Staff will henceforth enjoy good working condition and welfare packages.

“The court has open fully and normal activities have resumed the lawyers, litigants and Judiciary Staff are all working together to get their court process ongoing. We have come back with a different mindset to ensure nothing hinders our good services.

“All our members have been giving orientation to carry out their duties efficiently and diligently. It is no longer going to be business as usual, we want to serve the public better”

Our correspondent who visited the State High Court report that court activities have begun.