Gunmen kill 3 in Bodo

At least three persons were reportedly killed in Bodo community, Gokana Local Government Area of Rivers by gunmen said to be cultists.

A source told theportcitynews that the gunmen numbering about five gunned down their targets who were said to be rival members of a cult group.

These killings come days after the Rivers State Government launched Operation Sting, a new security outfit set up to tackle rising insecurity in the state.

The source said that the killings left indigenes of the community in fear as rumours of reprisals rented the air on Tuesday.

Another source who did not want to be named, told theportcitynews that killings were as a result of a disagreement between oil bunkerers operating the in area.

He said that the different cult groups have been fighting over control of bunkering routes, adding that security agencies in area seem equally helpless.

He explained that there have been arms build-up in the area of recent and called on the Rivers State Government to come to the aide of the community.

The spokesperson of the Rivers State Police Command, Nnamdi Omoni, did not respond to enquiries when contacted by our correspondent.

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