Five persons arrested over ‘rotten ponmo’ in Rivers

A combined team of surveillance officials and health workers in the Bonny Local Government Area of Rivers State have apprehended five people specialising in selling rotten animal skin, locally known as ponmo, to unsuspecting members of the public.

It was learnt that the suspects were arrested and handed over to the police following a tip-off by some community members who saw them preparing the ponmo to be sold off within Bonny Island.

Confirming the incident, the Deputy Press Secretary of Bonny LGA, Boma Waribor said the suspects during interrogation by the police noted that they bring the animal parts from different parts of the country.

“Our worry is that it is not being slaughtered here or inspected and you know the implication of bringing in already slaughtered meat,” Waribor added.

The acting spokesperson for the state police command, Grace Iringe-Koko, who confirmed the incident, said the investigation is still ongoing.