Farah Dagogo: Court strikes out bail application, adjourns case

A Rivers State High Court sitting in Port Harcourt has struck out the bail application of detained federal lawmaker representing Degema-Bonny constituency, Farah Dagogo in the criminal suit filed against him by the Rivers State Government.

This is due to two bail applications filed by the defendant’s lawyer at the High Court and Court of Appeal, respectively.

The court had struck out the bail application and adjourned the case to June 8, 2022.

Recall that the federal lawmaker has been in Police custody following criminal charges leveled against him by the Rivers state government, which borders on cultism and conspiracy.

The former governorship aspirant on the platform of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) had, however, been granted bail by Justice E. A. Obile of the Federal High Court in an exparte application filed by Dagogo.

Justice Obile had ordered the Commissioner of Police, Friday Eboka, among others to release the applicant from police detention and restore his freedom.

However, on May 13, 2022, a day after he was granted bail, the lawmaker was again, remanded at the Port Harcourt correctional centre by the presiding judge, Justice Chiwendu Nwogu, and adjourned the cause to 2nd June 2022.

Counsel to State Prosecution, Chidi Ekeh, had explained that the decision stands on the premise that the Federal High Court lacks the right to try a case against the state.