Etche LGA orders investigation into rape scandal involving Councillor

………..As he gets suspended from legislative ably

Kelechi Kas

The chairman of Etche local government area, Hon. Obinna Elvis Anyanwu has ordered a full-scale investigation into the rape scandal levelled against one of its councillors.

You would recall that on May 29th, 2019, the councillor representing Ward 3 from Etche Local Government Area, Hon. Chetachi Onwume was accused of sexually harassing a female hotel attendant in Abuja. This ugly incident led to the accused running from the place.

In a statement issued by the Deputy Press Secretary of the council, Hon. Anyawu directed that the leader of the Etche Legislative Assembly launch a full investigation into the matter to ascertain the real nature of the issue and justice be served.

Chetachi Onwume was accused by a lady identified as Cumbae Uchendu of raping her sister in a hotel room in Gwarimpa, Abuja.

She claimed that Councillor offered her N50,000 which she rejected but when she involved the police, the lawmaker absconded from the hotel.

Meanwhile, the accused Councillor has been suspended from legislative duties.

The Leader of the Etche Legislative Assembly, Blankson Nwanyanwu, said that it was to help with the ongoing investigation into the alleged rape issue against him that caused his suspension.

According to him: “I have lifted the embargo to suspend him from the house while the investigation is going on. An investigation is going on anyway because the police are involved and some other persons are involved

“The truth of the matter is that: one, I was not in Abuja. I didn’t go to Abuja. Two: you know human beings, you can’t predict anybody because as it stands now I am seeing it as blackmail. The pictures I am seeing on Facebook are showing me a different thing.

“There is no picture that came out when the event took place and the time I am seeing in what they posted is 1 am. I wonder what somebody will be doing in somebody’s room if there was no agreement of that nature,” he said.


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