Commercial drivers knock Buhari, describe FG as bunch of people without ideas

Brave Dickson

Commercial drivers in Rivers State under the aegis of Urban Drivers Welfare Association have knocked the President Muhammadu Buhari led-administration over the lingering fuel crisis in the country.

The commercial drivers also described the current federal government as bunch of people without ideas.

The association who said this through its Chairman, Lekia Isaac also told our correspondent that commercial drivers will not reduce transport fare until fuel crisis as well as high cost of motor parts are addressed.

He said, “the federal government we have today can better be described as a bunch of confused people who lack focus and ideas.

“I see this as a calculated attempt by the Buhari led-federal government to remove fuel subsidy.

“This current federal government does not have the interest of the masses at heart that is why it does not bother about the plight of the people when taking decisions.

“The fuel crisis in the country, including high cost of motor parts and vehicle maintenance have made commercial drivers to find it difficult to make daily returns.

“We hope that a day will come when God will give us good leaders not the insensitive leaders we have today.”